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July 27, 2024
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How do I use the Basic Profile Search?

How do I use the Advanced Profile Search?
Why do my search results read "NJ-Singles Member" instead of a Profile ID?
How do I search for a NJ-Singles Member by name?
What is a Featured Member?
How do I become a Featured member?




How do I use the Basic Profile Search?

Go to the Profile Directory Page and locate the "Profile Directory Search" box on the right.

Check which Gender you are looking for, Age Range, County and/or Region. When you are done making your selections, click the "Search" button to bring up the results.

Your results will be displayed on another page. If you would like to see additional profiles, you may need to increase your search criteria or try using the Advanced Search.

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How do I use the Advanced Profile Search?

Use the Advanced Profile Form to select the qualities you are seeking in others.

Start with a few questions, which are most important to you in the qualities of others you are seeking.

If you would like to find a female with a tattoo on her buttocks in Hudson County, select those choices only. Your search results will display the closest matches at the top.

If your results give you "0 results", you will need to broaden your answers, or
select fewer questions then try again.

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Why do my search results read "NJ-Singles Member" instead of a Profile ID?

Only Premium Members have full access to the membership list. From this list you can directly lookup the Member Profiles for more information.

If you would like to have access to all the features on NJ-Singles you can upgrade your membership by clicking on "Your Account" under "Toll Ahead"

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How do I search for a NJ-Singles Member by name?

If you know the name of the Member Profile you wish to read you can look the name up on the Members Alphabetically List which is located on the "Home Page" and "Profile Directory" page.

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What is a Featured Member?

A Featured Member is someone who has been selected by our editors for something unique about their profile and or personal ad/or because we are just mad with power. These members are selected every day with today's featured member listed on the top.

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